What are health careers other than nursing or MD?

I love life sciences and health sciences especially intrigue me. However, I hate to get my hands too dirty. For example, I love watching things being dissected, but I hate to dissect. Plus, I'm more of an introvert than an extrovert (not that I don't have people skills - most everyone I know thinks I'm outgoing), so taking care of people I don't know very well all day long would tax me. Anyway, I'm asking, what are some good careers with possibility for decent advancement in the health care fields? If its analytical that's great, too! I like to analyze things. I don't mind tedious things. But I do like to see progress - stagnant work annoys me.


P.S. In case you didn't already get the drift, I'm trying to decide what to major in when I go to college in a year.


Favorite Answer

surgical technology
dental hygiene
medical assistant
laboratory technician
radiology technician