Why are they acting like this?? This just makes everything so much harder than it needs to be.?

My husband is retired. He has 2 part time jobs and we deal in antiques and flea market. We do a local flea market together and he does one about 3 hrs away,4xs a year by himself. I still work so I don't go with him on that one.
I have my parents and sister and brother in law in town. They are making me nuts. They don't like that he goes to the 3 hr away flea market. Even though, I am fine by myself....enjoy the me time. This particular day my daughter is having her baby and they think he should be home with me to receive the text from them in Oregon. I am keeping him posted on the cell. We are going out there next month. Why he needs to stay in town to be with me to get the call I can't say. We all have cells and he plans to call them in Ore once the baby is here. Now this eve my Mom said something about my health!!!! I had my appendix out almost 3 weeks ago laproscopic and the Dr has released me a week ago. I know my Mom and sister hash this over and over. I am way past the age where they should be imposing themselves on me and my husband this way. I try to understand that this comes out of caring. However it is getting old......I don't want to talk it over with them as I don't know if I can remain calm. We are in a family business and have to be together a certain amount and have to make the business work. So I really try to overlook as much as possible.

bad girl2013-07-10T16:44:17Z

Favorite Answer

This happens because you let it happen. Time to grow a spine and put a stop to these intrusions into your life. You have to learn to say "I don't want to talk about it." "Can we change the subject." and "My goodness, why would you want to know that?"

Obviously your mother and sister do not have enough going on to occupy their minds, they need a hobby.


I would have to know you and your family to answer that but it's possible they are control freaks and control freak parents need to be told to shove it in my opinion. A parent should be there to encourage not to control especially once a son or daughter is old enough to be married. Trust me I know what it's like to be controlled by a parent unjustly. Good parents don't even have this issue in my opinion. Good parents allow there children to develope independence because that is always what is best for the child. Anything a parent does to prevent self actualization is abuse by my standards.