The forced sterilization of inmates, why is it done?


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WAS, not is. It was banned in the 1970's. Stupid people playing god with eugenics in mind.

Recently it has come to light that possibly 150 women were sterilized with questionable consent in California. Notice--women only. Some of them clearly consented, but some were asked while in labor, making their level of comprehension questionable. I haven't been able to figure out if this is the private prisons in California or public incarceration. There are no federal funds used for this.

The prevailing attitude seems to be that it will save money, as welfare funds will not be used, and that the women are somehow deficient and unworthy of reproducing. So I guess they're still playing god in California.




I'm pretty sure you're referring to additives in their food to make them have some sort of sexual dysfunction. Maybe they don't want inmates to sexually assault other inmates...

I also found this:

The world is pretty messed up.


It was quoted that they were attempting to control the population of women in the prison system and to avoid further people on welfare and food stamps. However, it's illegal so anyone who does it will be prosecuted.


Because they're considered a menace to society and it is believed that their children will follow suit, so it is better to make it so they can't have children

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