Do you have to be present at a?
living will hearing/reading if your part of it ??
I thought I heard at 1 time you could go in & talk to the lawyer, claim whatever if you weren't at the reading of the will.
My 93 year old grandmother that is disabled & has some other health issues. None is cancer related but she's at a stage 4 dying & asked to go there to die.
The problem is that it's so sad & the other part of the family is at war cause of greed & what, who whatever gets what & so on. Yeah I know I have a fd up family & it's terrible cause she isn't even cold yet & gone it's so sad
I'm the granddaughter that was there for her the last 5 years through thick & thin when her own kids & no1 else would be but I just don't want to be in the middle of this mess at this time.
Thanks & please no negative just looking for an honest answer