Why are the current protests called "Justice for Trayvon"?

I understand the original protests last year being called Justice for Trayvon because there was no trial to present the facts. Now there has been a trial and Zimmerman was found not guilty based on the evidence. The current protests seem less like "Justice for Trayvon" and more like Revenge for Trayvon.


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"We hate all whities" wouldn't go over well.

What is really needed are "justice for George" rallies as his civil rights were grossly violated when false charges were made to appease a violent segment of the population.


These protests have Al Sharpton's finger prints all over them. Our Afro-American citizens should ignore his rants about anger and revenge hidden by the disguise of "justice". How Sharpton, with his past history, came to be a leader is a total mystery. Bill Cosby has it right. The Afro-American family and family values need to be strengthened. This is the heart of the problem. They booed Mr Cosby off the stage when he said this. They should have listened.


They feel that not having Trayvon be responsible for creating the situation that got him killed is justice.
This is the black mentality in that they can kill anyone because they are oppressed and are products of slavery who are not responsible for that which other societies force them to do.
They will never evolve beyond the ghetto mentality as a race until they learn that the individual not the race is responsible for that which they choose to do.
Think about it


The black community tend to want things their way. I am speaking from experience of knowing many people of that race. Take a look at the OJ case for example, people had riots to let them black man free when it was as clear as day that he murdered those people.
They are blocking out the facts and just protesting out of their behinds. I bet most of those people don't even know the facts. A lot of them probably just heard that a white colored male, who is actually Hispanic, killed a black "kid".
If this was any other race, it wouldn't even have made it to the TV.


Tryvon got all the justice he's going to get. Meanwhile dozens of other 'Trayvon' have been blown away by other black guys with funny names and nobody cares...at least not to the point of actually DOING something....unless you think another 'gun law' is doing something. Let's be real...a lot of black guys think it's cool to be gunslingers and if you plug someone you get extra street cred. For someone who lives a comic book life, that's evidently enough. Meanwhile a million other black guys are trying to get an education and make something out of their lives and they have to contend with 'the brothers' that make it ever more difficult for the decent brothers to advance themselves. Rallying for 'Justice for Tryvon'? These people disgust me....what about the black guys that have to dodge bullets while they're trying to better themselves....no justice for them!

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