Why would someone be intested in buying stock? I recently read that a lot of stocks do not pay dividends and that they give no voting rights to the owner of said stock. So why would someone buy that stock? I understand that some people buy it so that they can sell it to someone else years from now for more money. So would this statement the following statement be accurate, and if not why?
"The only reason to buy a stock that pays no dividends and also gives you no voiting rights is so that in the future you can con some other bonehead into paying more money for it than you did?"
If that statement is true, why buy a stock?
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It's not true, unless you're a bonehead. If you are, then just go off quietly and leave those of us who routinely profit from owning non-dividend stocks alone. As for voting rights, every company whose stock I've ever owned has sent me paperwork to vote for (or against) company directors who make the important decisions and hire/fire the direct managers. It's not all that different from me being an owner of my country but not being able to vote directly for laws that affect me, but only for the representatives that make those laws.
Even without a dividend or voting rights, stock is still an equity ownership in a company with an intrinsic value. One would buy stock because they believe the market will value the company higher in the future than it does now, just like any other financial instrument.
I am sure you really ignorant about finance and investment. Let me give you this inspiration. Why buy gold? So that you've spend money to buy a tons of gold. It pays no dividend. What make you think a year or a decade from now your block of gold grows a little more? If it does, you should be very very worried because your gold grows fungus. That means you've bought the wrong thing - that's mus be fool's gold.
What's your answer to that? If you can answer this question to your own satisfaction, change the word gold to stock.
If there are more boneheads that want to buy it than there are boneheads that want to sell it, the buyers will have to pay a higher price to get it so they can sell it to some future boneheads whens more want to buy than sell.