Can you post emoticons/different characters on a Facebook wall?
Because I'm thinking of putting "(ʳ ´º㉨º)7" on somebody's wall, and It'll blow if they won't see it
Because I'm thinking of putting "(ʳ ´º㉨º)7" on somebody's wall, and It'll blow if they won't see it
Favorite Answer
You can totally do it.
Some emoticons like (*☉౪ ⊙。)ノ don't show well on every browser, but your does.
If your "somebody" uses Firefox, s/he can see pretty much any emoticon. Google chrome is usually not that much emoticon-friendly, but (ʳ ´º㉨º)7 is OK.
The browser and installed fonts are everything here, since Facebook accepts all emoticons very well vithout restriction.
Emoticons For Facebook Wall
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Can you post emoticons/different characters on a Facebook wall?
Because I'm thinking of putting "(ʳ ´º㉨º)7" on somebody's wall, and It'll blow if they won't see it
Because they are stupid and feel like falling prey to every idiot who is able to get into their account. People tend to think that those accounts are "infallible" but so untrue. If people only knew how many people got into or looked at so called "private" pages they may just shut them down. Love Makes Everything Good