Christians what more can we do?

Hello beloved brethren.. :)

What more can we do?

I have been here since 2005..I have seen so many here come and go.. :(

Do Christians that come here, come to share to the words of Jesus?

Do we walk the walk?

Or do we just talk the talk?

Jesus said we are to ~Love~ one another as I have ~Loved~ do we show that here?

We are not to repay evil for we condemn others?

Do you let your light shine, so others may see the ~Love~ of our Lord?

Has anyone ever been won to the Lord by hate, anger or condemnation?

Jesus said forgive and we will be forgiven..

Do we harbor any bitterness in our hearts, toward anyone?

Or do we go to our prayer closet and lift them up to the Lord?

Can we put ourselves in their shoes?

Let us never forget from whence we came..Verily verily I say unto must be born again..

Can you share your experience how, when and why you asked Jesus to be the Lord of your life?

Then look at back, at what you have written..

Are you looking as if in a mirror and judging others from the things that our Lord has forgiven you for?

I say the above not to condemn..but rather to uplift.. :)

Lest we forget, from whence we first came.. :)

EDIT: I ~Love~ Everyone..whether they be Christian, Atheist, Jew, Pagan, Buddhist, Hindu, Muslim, Agnostic and Gnostic..

With ~Love~ In Christ.. :)

((((((( HUGS )))))))


This question is not a rant..

It is a question to ones heart.. :o)


Everyone gets a thumbs-Up from me..

For there are no wrong answers.. :o)


((( Thor ))) I used to be an Atheist..

I have many friends on here that are Atheist..They do not see me the same way you do..

If that was the case, I would not have been invited on Face book R&S reunion.. :o)
((((((( HUGS )))))))

Thor is a loving God Too.2013-07-28T15:27:22Z

Favorite Answer

I'm sure you mean well, but you are a prime example of how Christianity can warp the morals of even decent people. When you say BS like this "We are not to repay evil for evil" it turns my stomach, because you actually think atheists are somehow innately evil, simply because they don't share your views (that is arrogance and ignorance which the Bible teaching have instilled in you). Just because we don't share your delusion doesn't mean we are "evil". You guys really need to get that through your heads.

"Can we put ourselves in their shoes?" Obviously you can not, otherwise you would soon realize that we already have our own views and aren't interested in adopting your views. Why don't you have a little respect for our views to start with and give us the credit that we can find what is right for us, just as you where capable to find what was right (made sense) for you. No matter how decent a Christian strives to be, they will always hold an arrogance that taints any virtues they might have, because that is a huge flaw in the teachings of any intolerant religion. Your religion teaches "we are the good guys and everyone else is "evil". I'm sorry, but that is utter bullsh!t no matter how you slice it. It's no wonder that atheists tend to be the most tolerant people. They don't have any ancient and baseless dogma to tell them that everyone else is wrong. You need to assume that you very well could be wrong, just like 10,000 religions before Christianity and treat people's views as if they are just as important to them as yours are to you. Otherwise you are a hypocrite.


I praise the Lord for my own Salvation.

I praise the Lord that my name is written into the Lamb's book of Life.

It's been 'evolutionary' to come to see the value over the years since
being drawn to Christ.

It's also been 'revolutionary'. 'Amazing Grace'.

It's also really exciting to me that I am now over the 3,700 mark for
questions posted since beginning 3.5 years ago.

God IS love, as you said, and that love is shed abroad by the Holy Spirit
through my being.

Sometimes that love will be a 'tough love', because letting someone
hurt others or ruin others is not love at all.

I will call it. I won't hedge. If the bible says it's wrong, I will say it.
I won't deny the bible, deny Christ.
I won't take 'the easy or wide path'.

There's a lot of accusation then piled on me, sometimes
vilified depending on where those questions go.

Many years ago, I learned there would be only one way
to 'walk the walk' and that's to do what the bible said.
Why do it at all if someone won't follow it.
And that's some of what I appreciate 2FollowHim


I try my best to follow the teachings of Christ and walk in love, that's what Jesus would've wanted. I really have no idea why Christians are forgetting what Christianity is supposed to be about, but I will keep trying to be a good Christian. I didn't get serious about being a Christian until about a month ago and it's a very corny story that I shouldn't share online lol.


I don't condemn. That's not my job. Likewise, I do not see it as my job to win converts. I follow Jesus' teachings to love others and to pray for those that hate me. If doing this causes someone to want to convert, great. If not, well, that's their choice. I answer questions here, not to condemn or convert, but to educate...and sometimes just to voice my opinion.

((((((((hugs back)))))))))


Well I love big Cats myself, Tigers, Lions, Jaguars, Leopards, etc. But as much as I love them I would always treat them with caution and follow the instructions of Professional Zoo Keepers in handling them, they are walking killing machines after all, they are created to kill, and kill effectively.

With all your love for unbelievers I would suggest you use caution in how you handle them too. They tend to have few morals or scruples or ethics.

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