Doing bad things to know you're good?

I have this idea, one I cant seem to get rid of.
I don't think you can truly be a good person until you do something bad.
Here me out.
You know your a good person because you do good things, and the same reasoning can be used to describe bad people. When a bad person does something bad, they don't care. And when a good person does something bad, well... they feel bad about it.
That being said, when a bad person does something good (intentionally) they feel good about it. So wouldn't it make sense that only from doing bad things, then gauging how you felt from the act, determines if you are a bad or good person?
"You don't have to be a bad person to do bad things" but do you have to do bad things to know if you're a good person?

Your opinions?


Favorite Answer

Stupid philosophy. Sheer observation of the wrongs that others do and the consequences that they suffer will do just fine for a comparison.


We have all done bad things in our life... no water walkers here. How could anyone even make it through childhood without picking on a sibling or throwing the cat in the bathtub or writing on a wall... etc?


GET BACK JACK! its kinda like no good deed goes unpunished , I stopped doing good deeds , I've been punished enough