my cat got possessed by ghosts?

so recently i visited a haunted house and lost my cat there but just earlier he came back after being gone for a whole month. at first i was happy to see him but i quickly realized that something was off. first of all whenever my little pony comes on tv he hisses and sprints away to the toilet, where he proceeds to have a hairball attack and coughs it up in the toilet. i punish him by throwing him in the lake, but then he starts flying and spits chicken nuggets at me!!!! scared, i call my uncly joe (proffesional cat wrangler) to handle the issue. when he sees kitty he says "HOLY F*CK*NG SH*T THAT THERE CAT BE POSSESSED BY THE JIMMINY GHOST OF WWII". i ask him about the ghost he calls "jimminy" and he says that when the nazis took over japan jimminy went to assassinate hitler on a special mission, but hitlers body guards threw a nacho, jimminys only weakness, at him. he had a herod takc and died on the spot. now jimminys ghost appears to have stolen the body of my cat and is using it to haunt the citizens of the local town. i realize the only thing left to do is buy a grenade launcher and shoot my cats *ss hole right out of the sky. i track the cat down and find him in the strip club flirting with my girlfriend. this is the last straw as you can see, so i fire the grenade and the whole club explodes and ends this cats miserable life. so where so i have his funeral?


Favorite Answer

Poke it with a fork and say "Let the monsters within you be vanquished!" And make sure to have a freshly killed body (all organs intact) nearby so the spirit can go inside that one when it leaves your cat. Make sure the spirit does not roam free or else it may wreck havoc.


Where so i I his funeral at a nice little park or something. Be sure bring candles to prevent spirit go to you. Be safe.

