I get dizzy when i get up from sitting or laying down?

Sometimes when i stand up i get really dizzy and sometimes even fall. I just got up out of my bed and fell on my butt a few seconds later because i was really dizzy. While I'm dizzy my mind usually goes blank so i didn't realize i was falling until after i fell. This use to happen to me, but rarely. It started happening quite a lot the past few days. What could this be?


Favorite Answer

Because...When you get up too fast your blood pressure plummets and you end up being dizzy and could blank out. Next time, sit at the edge of the bed, or chair for a few minutes before attempting to stand up.


It could be some nervous weakness. Take good food and sleep for 8-10 hours at regular time. While getting up from sleep, don't hurry up. Get up from bed from sides not straight. sit for few seconds. and slowly get up. If it repeats, then see a doctor for investigation and advice


It just mean you're getting up to quick. It happens to me all the time and I just sit down for a litto until I feel normal c:


Such head rushes are commonly caused by orthostatic hypotension as in http://au.search.yahoo.com/search?p=%22orthostatic+hypotension%22&fr=ush-ans


you might have neurocardiogenetic syncope. my doctor diagnosed me with this because ive been having the same problems. i felt this way but ive been put on medicine for it. do you get really bad headaches?

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