Freshman's I need your input?

I am writing.a book on freshman life and senior life..I need details


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Freshman in what stage of school? High school? College? Realize that while they're fundamentally the same (starting over again, making new friends, etc), one has much more responsibility (in general) than the other. Everyone's experience as a freshman in either category will be different. For me, it was actually the best year of high school. I actually talked enough where I didn't feel like an outcast (too bad), but also was on top of my grades. You need to specify what details. I'd think you'd have gone through at least one stage of these if you're writing a book, especially since you're asking for freshman and not seniors. Piece of advice: Write about what you know. As an aspiring author myself, writing about something you know nothing on is hard. It's possible, but you'll need to do ample research for it not to seem cliche. Best of luck to you. Hope this helps.


my freshman year was fun. u get a taste of what hs life is like, homecoming, dances, clubs, new friends. its rlli great :)


freshman life is lonely, you feel like everyone has friends but you. little do you know thats how it is for everyone