Why is my dog doing this?
My puppy looks at the window and starts barking and howling at like 9pm, why? I'm a bit scared but what could it be?
My puppy looks at the window and starts barking and howling at like 9pm, why? I'm a bit scared but what could it be?
Favorite Answer
Whether the window is reflecting type, if it is so then that is the problem with your dog.
Maybe your dog is barking because it can see a dog that gets walked every night at around 9pm, it might be scared of the moon or the dark or it might not know why it's suddenly turned dark outside.
I hope I helped ;)
My brothers dog does that all the time I think it's bcuz they hear other dogs barking an they get the urdge to bark as well. It could also be bcuz they see like a small cat or a black cat or some other animal. Hoped I helped some.
"I dance in the mud"
could be barking because the window is reflecting movements from inside the house
Dogs have higher hearing and scent than humans. He probably sees or smells another animal.