What are you cooking for Labor Day this year?

I want to do something different then the regular cookout and stay in the house this year. It has been a busy week for me. I was thinking of some Ribs with fried chicken or fried fish. I am interested in knowing what you are doing this weekend.


Favorite Answer

You can look here, there are some fun ideas



I will probably serve Hot Dogs, Baked Beans and Cole Slaw. Your dinner sounds much better than mine, but I will be cooking for Wednesday.


Here is a link on how to make tender, fall-off-the-bone ribs! I make them every year on Labor Day, because there really is no labor involved!


I'm making beef kebabs - yet again. But everyone seems to love them so why not :-)
Also making a potato salad, burgers and hotdogs -it's a BBQ kind of of day.