How relevant is Hitler's wisdom to the practice of the GOP?

"The art of leadership... consists in consolidating the attention of the people against a single adversary and taking care that nothing will split up that attention."--(Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf, Volume 1, Chapter 10. 1925.)

Members of the GOP hate Obama. Nothing moves their attention away from that. Not even a government shutdown. Not even hundreds of thousands of furloughed workers. Not even billions of dollars damage to the economy thanks to a lower credit rating. Not even the fact that Bush had his own Medicare Part D that was as much of a scam as they claim the Affordable Care Act to be.

Thoughts? Has the GOP mastered Hitler's wisdom?


Hitler was not wise, but he was shrewd. He, like most persuasive politicians I can think of, had more in common with Madison Avenue than any particular philosopher or philosophy.


Hitler blamed ALL of Germany's troubles on the Jews. Obama blames ALL of America's troubles on.......What a darkly amusing coincidence.


That's what we're seeing presently with Obama administration and their identity politics. Haven't done anything in five years but blame the minority party for the majority parties failures.


Propaganda is a thing embraced by all political parties, past and present! Hitler was a master, the Tea Party are his servants, students!


It is a responsibility of American citizens to appeal to government for perceived grievances.

As far as religious discrimination, we addressed that. As far as potential abuses of "torture" (waterboarding), that was addressed and reversed by the agencies, instead of actual Congress.

The only way it will not get that far, is with citizen participation--authoritarian regimes all defer to 'authority" instead of reason or law.

Please, do call me crazy--do it--my ancestors are watching.

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