im half mexican on my maternal half; and my mt-dna is "L2c"?

my moms family is mexican from sinaloa;northern mexico; so i wondered why do we have a west african mt dna; since we are very caucasiod in phenotype; and none of us that i know of knew about it; and how did we get it; and why we did not know; and how common in mexican americans is this origin; i mean no offense; i only want answers please


Well, many Mexicans have some African slave descent from way back,in the 1500s(Spanish conquest of Mexico). The slaves were mainly on the coastal region in Veracruz and later moved to Puebla and Guerrero etc. Also, many northern Mexicans are descendants of Mexicans who moved from the southern states.


There are still africans in Mexico, especially in the coastal cities like Veracruz and they have contributed to the culture, like in music, like the one you probably hear called "La Bamba", just as they have contributed in music to the U.S. (you know, like Jazz, Rock and Rap), they are a minority (less than 2% of the population), and your Caucasoid phenotype is not something odd, considering that white people in Mexico do exist, there are, in fact, Mexican Mennonites in Sinaloa (as well as in other parts of the country), so maybe you have a past African ancestry along with recent white ancestry.

People that don´t look Mexican (there are some white and black people on this list.


The testing you did was just from your mom Sed. If you do a full genetic testing which is autosomal dna test, then your number would be even higher. Around 85% of Mexican have on average 3-8% Sub Saharan DNA. I think as more do the testing they will be shocked just how much. I'm not sure why they're shocked. I've see old pictures of their grandparents and great grands and its quite obvious. Be proud of who you are guys. The world is getting smaller and we are discovering we are all cousins to some degree.


Slaves from Africa were shipped to Mexico and most of Latin American. Appearance has nothing to do with your DNA. I have a mestizo friend who's mother is Amerindian and father is white and they look completely white but DNA will say otherwise


This is due to the slave trade. Many africans were forced and shipped to latin american by the spaniards and used as slaves. The vast majority of female slaves were raped and had children for their slave master. Those children have sex with someone who is mixed like indiginous and white (spanish) they come out even more mixed.
When they keep having children with people who have none or very low percentage of african their children become even more mixed until you have someone who barely looks african.
Like your mother who has low african percentage she had sex with a Japanese man (your father) and you came out the way you did, through sex and rape and marriage etc.
Therefor You are black because you have more than 0.01%.
So You are half Japanese but not as white as you think. You are very mixed.