Everything is an effort. Old age?

There is plenty of work to do and lots of social events to attend but it just seems like too much trouble. I have to force myself just to get the basics done, like grocery shopping and medical appointments.

Anyone else dealing with this?


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I've noticed this. I blamed it on being naturally lazy. Seems I get lazier each year. The effort to do the things required to survive, seems to be increasing. I never did enjoy many social activities. Now I outright avoid them. My exercise programs aren't fun any more. Hobbies get less and less attention, as effort grows. I live a long way from any population center. Travel is a must, once in a while. It seems to be harder to do every year too.

I still tell every one that old age is just an excuse. Am I going to have to admit that it's slowing me down? Still refuse to age gracefully. Going, kicking and screaming, every inch of the way.


I can cope with the necessities such as shopping, washing (don't do much ironing though) and light housework but as for social events - I don't want to know about them. Once I've closed my curtains I just want to stay indoors and leave others do whatever they choose to do.

I go to bed no later than 10 p.m. but am usually up by about 6 as I just cannot stay in bed any longer.

Don't worry about what you cannot do. Just do what you can and leave the dust for another day etc. As for things like medical appointments, have it stated in your notes that you need them to be at certain parts of the day. Tell your doctor you need either a.m. or p.m. appointments (no earlier than.... and no later than...) and they should all try to co-operate with us on these issues as we get older.


Sounds as though you are depressed. Now, you may not feel depressed, but having no interest in socializing or even grocery shopping is not right. You should really go and see your family doctor and have some tests; maybe it's nothing but needing a little pick-me-up.


Beyond the stroke fatigue, I think when we really don't want to do something, we feel tired. My mom(who is almost 90- I think, she won't say) runs circles around me...she doesn't stop. And my hubby who (thank goodness) no longer works a 60+ hour week, makes me feel guilty(not from him) because I feel too tired to do errands and work at my part-time job. Darn it tho, I am also tired.The upkeep of our home also takes a toll. I have added a vitamin B12 pill for more pep. Rest when you are tired though, I've learned-through my illness, that the brain is the one sending you signals. Rest when you are tired. Think of it as caring for your brain.


I don't feel like that every day but I do from time to time. I think, in my case, it is a form of depression. I deal with and take care of my husband who is very ill. Everything feels like an effort to me but considering what I have to deal with I think it would be normal. I hesitate to tell my doctor because I don't want to be put on an anti-depression drug.

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