Does this guy Maxx really not know that the ocean is deep?

He looks at the ocean surface and asks about temperature. Everyone with half a brain understands that ocean current patterns fluctuate change the surface. The prominence of the La Nina pattern in the Pacific in recent decades by definition brings icy cold water from the depths to the surface. That has slowed warming of the atmosphere and accelerated the warming of the ocean. A third grader understands that heat moves more quickly to a colder surface. Perhaps Maxx has never picked up and ice cube. The best way to see ocean warming is to look at sea level which is rising because the oceans are warming and expanding. Every sixth grader knows that water expands as is warms. Sea level is now constantly measured by satellite.

Maxx is a guy who blocks educated people, then posts highly uneducated items. Readers can judge the basic intellect and education of climate change deniers by reading his posts. If you don't believe water expands when it warms, you might be a denier.


JimZ, you are further proving that every denier lacks basic scientific understanding. The rise of MLS is proof of warming oceans. It is called thermal expansion. I believe you will cover that when you get to 6th or 7th grade science.

It is not possible to directly measure and track water temperatures in the deepest parts of the ocean, but by measuring sea level we can see the effect of heat going into the ocean. 90% of global warming happens in the ocean. Sea level rise shows what dunces some people are when they claim global warming has paused. These people believe sea level is rising by magic.


Revisiting the Earth's sea-level and energy budgets from 1961 to 2008, Church et al, GRL. addresses many of the questions here. Sea Level is very difficult to measure with tital gauges, by most studies that attempt to do so find accelerated sea level rise comparable to the satellite measurements.


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why get so upset by the village idiot?
there are many ways to measure ocean temperatures below surface, Argo is a global array of 3,000 free-drifting profiling floats that measures the temperature and salinity of the upper 2000 m of the ocean. .

other than ARGO, Acoustic Tomography uses precise measurements of acoustic travel times to draw ocean temperature maps. To measure the temperature of the water, a sound pulse is sent out from an underwater sound source and heard by a hydrophone in the water some distance away (up to thousands of kilometers).

I would think MSL is mostly driven by melting glaciers, not thermal expansion.

King Ragnor of Waterford2013-11-12T19:37:19Z

I think you, and all climate change believers, are completely missing the point.
It is not only cold water than rises from the depths of the ocean, in fact that cold water is actually pushed up by extremely hot water from undersea volcanic vents, of which there are thousands. Many scientific expeditions, like David Attenborough,and even the T.V. show Mighty Ships, which photographed undersea vents in the Norwegian Ocean, have proved that extremely hot water is being vented into the oceans all the time.
(The cause is known as Temperature inversions, the same phenomena we see over our cities, where cold air holds in hot polluted air for days on end, Los Angeles is a case in point.)
In the oceans, it is the driver of El Nino events, especially in the Pacific Ocean, where water is heated under the Antarctic, and along the South American coast, and rises near the Galapagos Islands.
It is CO2 believers who cannot see the truth, that Global Climate Change is totally controlled by the PLANET, not puny humans!


You have to look at the available data. It wasn't until your theory went wrong that you started to look at the ocean closer.

John Barnes, a climate scientist bemoans this very fact : “If you look at the last decade of global temperature, it’s not increasing,” Barnes said. “There’s a lot of scatter to it. But the [climate] models go up. And that has to be explained. Why didn’t we warm up?”..."We do have satellites that can measure the energy budget, but there’s still assumptions there. There’s assumptions about the oceans, because we don’t have a whole lot of measurements in the ocean.”.

So your theory about AGW went South, now you are moving the goal posts and blaming Maxx for not considering the depth of the oceans for energy budget when there is no accurately established method of doing so. Right now the main portion of determining the earth's temperature is by satellite. How many satellites are there under the ocean's surface?

Baccy Baby, you have just shown how really smart you are. Keep it up. We need more people of your qualifications on the greenie side. Ha! Ha!


The rise of Major League Soccer is proof of rising oceans? Bend It Like Beckham!

Seriously, what evidence is there of ocean warming or sea level rise accelerating? Given that the pause in global temperatures was unexpected, and is now being blamed on ocean heat uptake, suggests that the models were wrong in their modeling of oceans. Perhaps they are capable of absorbing most of the heat, which means surface temperatures will not warm because of CO2.


Lots of things contribute to sea level. To think that a half degree of atmospheric warming is somehow heating the oceans which have 200 times the thermal mass of the atmosphere is absurd.
Using tidal gauges instead of satellite data--which is only a few decades old--yields much more modest level changes using methodology that is continuous over time.
If 90% of warming happens in the oceans, then why are we getting all wound up about CO2?
Are you saying there is some mechanism that's heating the oceans and that in turn heats the atmosphere?

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