Will Republicans take responsiblity for sabotaging the Affordable Care Act?

"Yesterday, the House Homeland Security Committee published a video on their Youtube page highlighting a portion of the committee questioning Roberta Stempfley, acting assistant secretary of the Department of Homeland Security’s Office of Cyber-security and Communications, who confirmed at least 16 attacks on the Affordable Care Act’s portal Healthcare.gov website in 2013.

Roberta Stempfley highlighted one successful attack that is designed to deny access to the website called a Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack. A DDoS attack is designed to make a network unavailable to intended users, generally through a concerted effort to disrupt service such as repeatedly accessing the servers, saturating them with more traffic than the website is designed to handle."

Or will they blame Obama as usual for their own faults? After all, "Obamacare" was Romneycare first.


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Yes, the Republicans messed up the website (oops, no that was obama and the billion spent hiring jackasses to do the job). Yes, the Republicans hogtied the president and made him lie over and over again about keeping your insurance and your doctor (oops, no that was obama, but he said he didn't know the particulars about his own policy). Yes, it was all the Republicans' fault because they must be racist, isn't that what you really want to say!


Any web site, anywhere, is subject to cyber-attack by detractors. It doesn't matter if it was a fringe element of "right wing patriots", mainstream right wing political figures, or the Taliban.

All this points to is yet another failure - this by the Department of Homeland Security's Office of Cyber-Security.

One of the reasons you might want to spend three years and $650 million on a web site of this magnitude is to make it immune to such attacks.

When the government claims that it is able to handle the insurance needs of 300 million Americans, part of that claim has to be about security and sabotage. If this web site failed because a splinter group of anti-Obamacare zealots were able to bring to its knees through social networking, then the problem lies with the architecture, the design, and the security measures within the site itself.

This kind of thing happens all the time, and it is always major news. It happens on Wall Street, it happens at the IRS, it happens in the Social Security Administration, it happens at major stores like Amazon.

If the government cannot thwart simple cyber attacks, it has no business handling sensitive information.


The blame game continues.When congress signs up I`ll sign up.For know I will buy Christmas and cancel TAHCA.


Nobody HAD to sabotage this fiasco. It is so bad that it had nowhere to go but to implode. There is no way in hell it could ever have worked. It promises that you can have your cake and eat it too and we all know that is impossible.


Yes we'll proudly take responsibility for flushing that one down where it belongs

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