Should we classify Rush Limbaugh as a terrorist?

Recently, he said this:

"I have to say, though, folks, terrorism is the greatest threat, because we can still defeat liberals without violence. So terrorism still, of course, represents a greater threat than the Democrat Party. We can handle them without violence. So far."

He seems to be implying that conservatives will have to use force against liberals in order to "defeat" them in the near future.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) defines terrorism as “the unlawful use of force or violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives."

Encouraging violence for political means is every definition of terrorism.


Leading up to election the FBI "watch list" included Tea Party, Gun Owners, Constitutionalists, or Anyone w/ a Ron Paul Bumper Sticker, so what the heck might as well thow in Rush.

Also Rand Paul said some - things about Obama too.


The fbi isnt going to prosecute him for using the words "so far". Sorry, but people having opinions that differ from yours is not an act of terrorism. Much as you wish that were the case.

The tree of liberty must be refreshed with the blood of tyrants. -thomas jefferson

Is thomas jefferson a terrorist?

The Oracle of Omigod2014-01-04T10:45:02Z

What do you think the purpose of the Second Amendment is? To hunt deer? To protect our homes?

"What country can preserve it's liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that the People preserve the right of resistance? Let them take arms." Thomas Jefferson, 1787.

The purpose of the Second Amendment is to protect us from our government.


I listen to Rush Limbaugh every day. he is good entertainment. You should listen as well.

clean truck2014-01-04T10:27:41Z

Rush is right, you may as well admit it because we the people know the truth when we hear it.

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