What is your favorite Jack Nicholson movie?


Favorite Answer

"One flew over the Cuckoos nest".


The Terror! I dunt get why everyone thinks its one of the worst movies ever!.... Ehh, just kidding.. :P

In seriousness, it's a tie between "One Flew over the Cuckoos Nest" and "The Shining." I think if I had to really buckle down and choose one, it would be "The Shining" since I'm a huge horror nut and it is rightfully regarded as one of the best damn horror films of all time. But "One Flew over the Cuckoos Nest" is also incredible, and I do think in a way it has a better performance from Nicholson, I'm not saying his performance in "The Shining" is bad - its incredible, but there's more dramatic heft and a bit more complexity to his role and performance in "One Flew over the Cuckoos Nest."

I do stand by those picks, but Chinatown was almost in there as well. Nicholson has been in a lot of great movies!

David S2014-01-13T11:40:02Z

Five Easy Pieces directed by Bob Rafelson
Easy Rider directed by Peter Fonda

Dark Lord2014-01-13T11:36:49Z

The Bucket List


The departed

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