How can I make my eyelashes grow back faster?

I know this question has been asked so many times, but all the answers usually involve putting products on the eyelashes. Thing is, I only have about 6 on each eyelid, and none are full length. They used to be full and long, but after dealing with some stress, I got into a habit of constantly pulling them out until there were none left. I've had some grow back within a couple weeks, but I couldn't stop myself from pulling them out. Is it possible to get them all back by mid march (2 months from now)? Because I really need my face to look normal for a contest I'm entering. I look strange without them.

And, like I said, it can't be anything involving putting stuff on eyelashes because I have close to none.


It's not that I don't want to put anything on my eyelashes. It's that /I don't have any/. I can't cover something nonexistent.


Favorite Answer

Well I know you don't want to put anything on your lashes, but I really think this could help. What I usually do is put petroleum jelly/vaseline on my lashes every night. Mostly pay attention to the area it is growing in (lashing line on eyelid) so put more there.

Heres a website that might help:

Good Luck!!