What movie is this from?

Its a cheesy 80's film about teenagers working during the summer. I don't even remember what they do but the boys all live in on place and the girls in another. there is a weird looking guy and when they show him sleeping, he always has a skin mag in front of him and is always humping the bed. he is afraid of real girls because he is afraid of std's. I think one of the girls teaches him how to have sex, then he gets confidence and tries to get the rich snobby girl. the rich girl is surprised that someone likes her. there is also a scene where that same guy is running away from the girls where they work because they pulled down his shorts and were putting their boobies on him. he also said the girls tried to rape him.

saw it around 1988 on hbo at night.

they might have been working at a resort.

BIG DADDY COOL2014-01-31T08:33:08Z

Favorite Answer

Sounds like Revenge of the Nerds part 2