Do you hear me?.............?

I spoke to you when you were born, at your first sight. I spoke to you at your first steps, your first words and your first thought. In your visions and dreams I speak to you. I spoke to you when you first fell in love. Tthrough the Holy Mountains, I am speaking to you. I speak to you through the grass of the meadows, the waves of the sea, I speak. I speak through the trees of the forest, the valley's and the hills. Through your death I speak. Be still and know, I am the Eternal One, The Ancient One, The Lord of Lords, The God of Gods. "I Am" Do you hear me?


@ Keen, I hear your prayer, I hear you praying quite often, I seen the tears of your heart. Right now, I lift every darkened entity from your path. I give you light so that my path for you is well lit. Meditate on me, I will show you a path. Your soul longs for another journey. Your ways must die and you walk in my status I have prepared for you and all your desires will be fulfilled and more. I have a vision for you. My servant who types is poor, no car, makes only $9.00 hr, catches the bus at 0 degree weather and still loves all. He is a state of love not shaken by the world, no desires of the world. His treasures are with me. He gives himself to me for your sake. Yet, he is eternally blessed. I have a path for you. Your soul will rejoice. And so will you.

@ Take these words. I will keep giving you life. You are my child, I love you. But, your wish is my command. I will speak for eternity.

@ Steve. You were drawn to me. You heard me. And yes, even my faithful servant who types is d


@ Stephanie, I am the voice of the birds telling them to migrate. I am the voice of the seed that says GROW. I am the voice of the baby that says CRY, I am that voice of the Ancients, I am the voice of beyond the mind, I am he who my servants listen to. The one you hear, I am grateful for you, you listen, you hear. Blessed more are those that follow my word, They see no deaths, they become eternal. I speak and stars shine, just as you shine.

I love you all.


Serif You have tread the path. You are the light in the midst of darkness. Shine like the Star of the East. You have risen from the dead. Love is in your heart. You hear me in all your walks. Well done. You have witnessed the blessings. May your cup overrun with more blessings. No need in choosing you, you know me, I know you. We know each other.


Favorite Answer

Actually, the question is: do you hear me - in the past three years, I have gone through a bankruptcy, underemployment, foreclosure and on Monday, my daughter got in an accident with my car. I have very little money and am icking by very poorly. I have no primary relationship and no one to help me, yet I pray and meditate. I also have no hope. So the real question is this: DO YOU HEAR ME WHEN I ASK FOR HELP??????


When the weather starts to get a bit chilly...a voice speaks to all geese and tells them it's time to fly south for the winter....those that did not hear the voice became extinct long ago...that voice is instinct...All humans are inherently superstitious because of the genetic influence of thousands of generations of pagan ancestors....the voice they hear is the voice of superstition..It can be overcome by logical, rational and critical thinking.


You either possess a vivid imagination or you repeated that after hearing it in the congregation.
If you can provide one iota of proof that God ever spoke those words to a newborn then I shall abandon my sinful ways and pray to God everyday.

Take these Words2014-01-29T16:36:30Z

Back off or I get a restraining order.


Your words speak to me. Thank you ♡

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