Why are ther so FEW answers to the questions for yahoo Products?

Asleep? Don't know? A false front like on those old western buildings?


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I think it's probably because everybody knows how broken Yahoo is that no real solution is possible. Futility is something Yahoo users understand.

Son of T32014-02-19T08:25:18Z

There are several general reasons questions are not answered.

1. Dear Abby type questions
2. Obvious violations
3. Really technical questions
4. Poorly written questions (all CAPS for example)
5. Using text and twitter speak instead of English
6. Asking about very archaic things that people have little interest in
7. Not enough detail
8. Wrong category
9. Medical questions - the answer is ALWAYS "see a doctor"
10. Too time consuming
11. Too much extraneous material
12. Homework

Users are also being more limited these days in answering questions that already have good answers. These days I just TU a previous answer instead of adding one.


How many answers should there be? If someone asks a question, and there's even just one helpful, correct answer... how many more answers are needed? That's especially true in the Yahoo! Products category. People ask for help with various issues... there usually can only be one correct answer.. or several of the basically same answer.