Looking to finish Durarara?

So I really liked the anime and finally got around to trying to finish the story online, but haven't been able to find anything beyond someplace before even the anime ended (chapter 21 I think). According to Wikipedia the manga doesn't seem to go beyond the Saika arc, which I think is still before the end of the anime.

I'm guessing that means the light novels are the only way to go at this point, but I haven't been able to find them anywhere, officially or unofficially translated. Baka-Tsuki only goes a few chapters into the first one, so that's a no-go. Anyone know where I would want to look? I know I've heard of some people who know how it goes after the anime, so I figure there must be translated versions somewhere. Don't suppose anyone else has tried finishing the series?


Favorite Answer

Just click the link that it provides in each volume: