Does education determine the way men treat women?

I know that this answer can't be answered in general and that there is no unique "yes or no" answer, but I was wondering what your opinion is. For example, is there a bigger possibility that a high educated man treats a woman right instead of only thinking of her as a sexual object? Do you think the statistics work in their favor? Is it more likely that a women will be used by a less educated man? Or does education have absolutely nothing to do with that?


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Not exactly...have met many low educated men who were entitled, aggressive morons...but also smooth, dignified and civil ones.
Have met sexist engineers, doctors nice treatment yet screwed up in many ways and many humourous, charming lawyers, ingenieurs, biologists and professors.
I think I like middle till higher educated men the most; smart, experienced, not too prissy, not easily out of balance and they do not feel intimidated if you are higher educated.


Education has a positive impact much more on women as it keeps them busy enough to not be uesed as baby machines kept on welfare only to overpopulate us with unproductive kids who'll most likely grow up to be criminals. It's no wonder collages have more women then men, not to mention that non white minorities from poverty stricken families have a lot more chances of financial aid than whites in financial difficulties. I know it doesn't seem fair, but it's a lot better than what I mentioned above.


id say im fairly uneducated i only went to highschool (graduated 2 years ago) and work as a landscaper. and i treat my gf like gold and she does the same education for the most part doesnt play into something like this its more about how you were raised by your parents and the environment you grew up in.


I believe it has more to do with the example given by his parents' relationship and his overall emotional intelligence.