What drugs could those two white tablets be?

I came across this dilemma when I worked in Norway last month after a kid was brought into the hospital, unconcscious. Tabs were found in a BETAPRED bottle, but that did not match this particular drug. No breakline on either tab.

Tab #1 had 201 on the reverse; that one measured 5mm X 5mm. Tab #2 was a bit larger (8mm X 8mm) but marking "202" appeared under the stylized E, while the reverse was blank. I used various resources to figure out what that may be in Norway, US, UK, but to no avail. When MD was asked to hand over the drugs, he mentioned he had dumped them after kid was conscious again. Would anyone know what those could be? P.S. Kid ended up being alright and was discharged a few days later.


Carley: you're either funny or you do not read details, where it states "I used various resources to figure out what that may be in Norway, US, UK, but to no avail"


Favorite Answer

Pill Finder? Look it up lol It Really helps. Good Luck!