Why doesn't your Creator revive people who have been dead for 5 years?

So many (unfounded) tales of people dying for 4 seconds or whatever but none of them dying for a significant amount of time and coming back.

Can I just file this in the 'why wont god heal amputees' file?


Favorite Answer

I was decapitated, but Flying Spaghetti Monster sewed my head back and revived me.

If you look closer at my neck, you will see the lack of scars, that's how good He is!

Your worst nightmare2014-03-14T12:26:18Z

What purpose would this be for? At the resurrection at the end of time, everybody that's ever lived on earth will be 'revived', billions of people, for judgement. There, are you satisfied now.

Tyrannosaur of Judah2014-03-14T12:22:06Z

anybody dead for more than 5 years gets turned into gasoline


because he doesn't want to yet

yes people have been dead for a significant amount of time and have come back to life.

Baby comes back from dead more than 10 hours after being sent to morgue

Woman comes back to life after being dead for 17 hours


their soul returns to it's Maker for judgment