Where will missing Malaysia flight MH307 be found?

Any ideas?


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I find this missing plane to be a distraction from bigger problems unfolding (US sanctions and Russia).

This tactic is like the one used with Justin Bieber got for going to jail (over publicized, leaving no room for other news), while monumental revolutions were taking place in Egypt and the Ukraine -- which were not being publicized in mainstream media. This is even more evident, when the Chinese Fukushima nuclear power plant disaster was being looked into -- which leaked thousands and thousands of barrels of nuclear waste into the ocean for over a year -- and their officials were being questioned in court, but that wasn't being aired on any news outlets... guess what was... pop culture.

The plane is somewhere safe, it'll be found when the government wants it to be found.


Probably somewhere in the Indian Ocean. Since it flew under radar, through denser air than it normally would,the distance it could have travelled would be shortened, so it would have burned through its fuel faster.

The notion that it was hijacked and flown to another country is absurd. And so is alien kidnapping, unless the King of Planet Glork has plans for an anal-probing party.


The flight data recorders from Air France flight 447 were not recovered until nearly 2 years after the plane crashed into the ocean.

We should expect to see a similar time frame in finding the flight data recorders from MH307.




You're talking about the Emergency Locator Beacon, and yes, this plane would have one. The problem is that the max detectable range is only about 6 km. If the assumption is that it went down in the ocean, you'd essentially need to be right on top of it to detect a signal.

The gadget would only be useful for pinpointing the exact location once you knew approximately where it went down.

The Subaru Freak2014-03-14T13:48:01Z

Pieces will eventually be found in the ocean somewhere that will lead to an idea of the crash site.

Regardless what happened or why, sadly, I do not believe the plane is on land. Anywhere.

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