Does Obama have any kind of foreign policy or is he just going to let Putin keep pushing him around?


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you realy don't understand how foriegn relation work do you.

We don't want russia mad at us. Why? Russia could probly beat us head to head in a military fire fight.

And in this paticualr matter it isn't our place to tell russian, ukraine, anyone else what to do.


Putin isn't pushing Obama around. Putin is just making the statement that the USA doesn't rule the world.


Yo, bro', it's the 21st century, ain'tcha herd? Read: the Democrat Party no longer does foreign policy, and the party motto has been recast as All Restribution All the Time. Quite catchy, isn't it?

Chewy Ivan 22014-03-19T15:32:27Z

Yes, Obama has a foreign policy. It's called exerting diplomatic pressure through sanctions in order to discourage Putin before we start lobbing nuclear-tipped ICBMs at each other.


Obama has pledged to send Putin a text message with an unhappy face at the end. That will show him who is boss.

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