Former Conservative: "The NRA is Waging a Jihad on America?"?

A former Conservative and friend sent me a 3 paragraph quote from
via Google search that "The NRA is Waging a Jihad on America."

What do you think of this?

Philip H2014-03-28T09:22:50Z

Favorite Answer

So the current Elitist Despot who violates Constitutional Principles on a daily basis and is occupying our White House, plus those who follow his orders, honestly believe the one significant organization engaged in Protecting our Constitutionally Guaranteed Rights is made up of a bunch of Terrorists?
WOW! Shades of 1984!
Who is defining terms these days?


Wwweeeelll, I wouldn't say "jihad." I would say that they're waging war on common sense. The NRA is doing battle against even the moderate gun-control advocates, who only want to try to keep guns out of the hands of lunatics and criminals that would shoot up a school.

The board of directors is chock-full of CEOs and big shots (no pun intended) of the gun manufacturers, and take no responsibility, or make any effort, to help keep guns out of the hands of unstable or violent people.

The gunmakers are only interested in moving as much of their product as they possibly can; it's just like trying to sell as many Twinkies as possible. The Twinkie people are going to fight against any regulation that might cut into their profits. The NRA is hiding behind an Amendment that was written in the days of muzzle-loading guns, at a time when there was much paranoia about the British invading again.

So I don't see the NRA as jihadist; the leadership is just a bunch of well-heeled people trying to protect their profits by scaring people into believing that Obama and the Democrats are coming to seize their guns. It has little or nothing to do with "Constitutional rights." You don't need 50 guns and thousands of rounds of ammo to protect your family and home from home invaders - a well-placed bullet from a .38 revolver will do the job.


I wonder if you could tell us when they plan to take over. The NRA was founded for a purpose. I would bet you don't know what that is. When someone is planning to take over the United States they usually have meetings such as the one that was infiltrated by the late FBI agent Larry Grathwohl. Please give this entire clip your attention and notice terms like re educate and new way of thinking.

The Sheepdog2014-03-28T08:16:55Z

"Be careful of information on the internet - it's probably bogus."

- Abe Lincoln

@ Dangerous Mr: That's funny, because if you actually ask someone from the FBI, or visit their web page (, the NRA does not fit that definition.



I could write a blog right now claiming to be former DOJ official writing about how the DOJ is fudging the investigation of the IRS.

Or a former Planned Parenthood official claiming genocide against blacks
In fact .. I may just do that. Because as we know.. there are no trolls or false information on the internet

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