what shoe should i get?
I already have the lebron x1 but i want to buy another shoe I'm choosing betwwen the jordan 28 and superfly 2....jordansxx8's design looks good and i have seen goo reviews but i heard that the superfly 2 is better for a big men like me not to mention that it is 20$ cheaper and are better for jumping...please note that i already have the lebron xi so i don't know if the superfly is just a step down from the lebrons.....
a)jordan supefly 2
b)jordan xx8
and why?
Ryan you have a good point ,but I'm doing this because basketball is the sport i love to play....if your gonna tell everyone who buys a pair of shoes to not buy it and donate it instead then i believe your just trolling......... you did not even answer my question.....
hey i want to buy a or b help me chose......
Ryan:"blah blah blah if you have the money just donate it instead"