Who at Marvel / Disney is the racist ?

The character Nick Fury was a white guy and then when the movies came out they made "the Boss" a black guy ... just to be politically correct. And even worse, NIck Fury is played by a guy who is openly a racist ( samuel jackson )
That's like making a movie about MLK and having a Grand Wizard play MLK.


Nick Fury in the films is based on the Ultimate Universe Nick Fury, who was in turn based in appearence on Sam Jackson. If you're going to knock comic books, do your research.

Rebel With A Cause2014-04-20T16:00:47Z

The recent Marvel films are using elements from the more familiar main Universe and the newer Ultimate Marvel Universe.

The Nick Fury from the films is based on Nick Fury of the Ultimate Marvel Universe, who is black. That character was created in 2001. Ultimate Nick Fury is physically based on Samuel L Jackson. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-FHR1u33Xdbk/TbhceAQr2XI/AAAAAAAAA4U/URVDNpY8qUE/s1600/ultimate-nick-fury-samuel-jackson.JPG

Hawkeye and Falcon from the films are also based on their Ultimate versions


You really need to look up what racism is. Dude was white in the comic, but black in the movie? BLACK! OUTRAGEOUS! SORCERY! CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY!
Conspiracy, white race eradication, government is watching us, Bush, KKK, we will al die, aliens, Elvis is alive, OMGOMGBBQWTF.
The only racist here is YOU. A confused one.


Mynigga, stop hatin. One does not simply be offended at the realest mother ****** on the mother ******* planet