What are your favorite name combos using these names?

If you don't like a name, just make a combo you can at least tolerate. Also, these are not all names I would nescessarily use. Tell me what combos you would consider using and what you wouldn't consider using.

Bonus: add pictures of what you think these people would look like.

First Names
Girls: Jessica, Madison, Abigail, Leslie, Gabriela, Alina, Brianne, Katherine, Sara, Emma, Elisa, Esabella, Kira, Kylah, Amy, Bryana, Madilyn, Cassidy, Britteny, Morgana, Shelley, Michelle, Loretta, Ashlyn, Courtney

Steven, Andrew, Ethan, Evan, Egan, Glenn, Norman, Michael, Dylan, Caleb, Nathan, Tayten, Robert, Austin, Lester, Sherman, Allen, Eduardo, Jaedon

Girls: Leah, Lily, Lace, Jewel, Marie, Desiree, Colleen, Olivia, Danielle, Ann, Paige, Gabriela, Emmaleigha, Elise, Nicole, Louise, Diamond, Claire, Rose, Antoinette, Elisabeth, Adair, Lynn, Arlene, Caroline, Alexis

Alfred, Jonathan, Bailey, Connor, Frederick, Thomas, George, Edward, Scott, James, Beckett, Mark, Michael, Henry, Joseph, Lester, Hilario, Alan

Thanks for answering!~Brown Eyes


Favorite Answer

My Top 5 Girl Combos:
1. Madison Elisabeth Rose "Maddie"
2. Courtney Rose
3. Abigail Olivia "Abby"
4. Cassidy Paige "Cassie"
5. Katherine Alexis "Kathy"

*I would consider using all of these names. The individual names I wouldn't use are Emmaleigha, Morgana, Diamond, and Adair. (I'm just not a big fan of those names.)

My Top 5 Boy Combos:
1. Caleb Joseph "C.J."
2. Nathan Scott "Nate"
3. Andrew Henry "Drew"
4. Austin James "A.J."
5. Dylan Thomas

*I would use all of the above combos. The individual names I wouldn't use are Tayten, Egan, Sherman, and Hilario. (Hilario makes me think "Hilarious" and I'm just not a big fan of the others.)

I'm not sure I can find 10 pictures I like (haha) so I will choose a picture for each of my favorite combos--one for the girls, one for the boys.

The girl would be Madison Elisabeth Rose.

The boy would be Caleb Joseph.

Black Sheep2014-04-22T22:36:41Z

Courtney Paige
Kira Nicole
Sara Elisabeth
Britteny Alexis

Michael Joseph
Ethan Thomas
Andrew Connor
Robert James


Sara Elise
Emma Claire
Elisa Danielle
Cassidy Paige

Andrew Thomas
Nathan Scott
Dylan Beckett
Caleb Henry


Sara Rose
Alina Paige
Emma Lily

Evan Joseph
Caleb Thomas
Michael Connor


Cassidy Paige
Madison Claire Rose
Ashlyn Nicole
Emma Lily
Amy Elise

Caleb Bailey
Austin James
Dylan Connor
Andrew Scott

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