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What are your favorite name combos using these names?

If you don't like a name, just make a combo you can at least tolerate. Also, these are not all names I would nescessarily use. Tell me what combos you would consider using and what you wouldn't consider using.

Bonus: add pictures of what you think these people would look like.

First Names

Girls: Jessica, Madison, Abigail, Leslie, Gabriela, Alina, Brianne, Katherine, Sara, Emma, Elisa, Esabella, Kira, Kylah, Amy, Bryana, Madilyn, Cassidy, Britteny, Morgana, Shelley, Michelle, Loretta, Ashlyn, Courtney


Steven, Andrew, Ethan, Evan, Egan, Glenn, Norman, Michael, Dylan, Caleb, Nathan, Tayten, Robert, Austin, Lester, Sherman, Allen, Eduardo, Jaedon


Girls: Leah, Lily, Lace, Jewel, Marie, Desiree, Colleen, Olivia, Danielle, Ann, Paige, Gabriela, Emmaleigha, Elise, Nicole, Louise, Diamond, Claire, Rose, Antoinette, Elisabeth, Adair, Lynn, Arlene, Caroline, Alexis


Alfred, Jonathan, Bailey, Connor, Frederick, Thomas, George, Edward, Scott, James, Beckett, Mark, Michael, Henry, Joseph, Lester, Hilario, Alan

Thanks for answering!~Brown Eyes

11 Answers

  • T
    Lv 6
    7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    My Top 5 Girl Combos:

    1. Madison Elisabeth Rose "Maddie"

    2. Courtney Rose

    3. Abigail Olivia "Abby"

    4. Cassidy Paige "Cassie"

    5. Katherine Alexis "Kathy"

    *I would consider using all of these names. The individual names I wouldn't use are Emmaleigha, Morgana, Diamond, and Adair. (I'm just not a big fan of those names.)

    My Top 5 Boy Combos:

    1. Caleb Joseph "C.J."

    2. Nathan Scott "Nate"

    3. Andrew Henry "Drew"

    4. Austin James "A.J."

    5. Dylan Thomas

    *I would use all of the above combos. The individual names I wouldn't use are Tayten, Egan, Sherman, and Hilario. (Hilario makes me think "Hilarious" and I'm just not a big fan of the others.)

    I'm not sure I can find 10 pictures I like (haha) so I will choose a picture for each of my favorite combos--one for the girls, one for the boys.

    The girl would be Madison Elisabeth Rose.

    The boy would be Caleb Joseph.

  • 7 years ago

    Courtney Paige

    Kira Nicole

    Sara Elisabeth

    Britteny Alexis

    Michael Joseph

    Ethan Thomas

    Andrew Connor

    Robert James

  • 7 years ago

    Sara Elise

    Emma Claire

    Elisa Danielle

    Cassidy Paige

    Andrew Thomas

    Nathan Scott

    Dylan Beckett

    Caleb Henry

  • 7 years ago

    Sara Rose

    Alina Paige

    Emma Lily

    Evan Joseph

    Caleb Thomas

    Michael Connor

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • Ebony
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Cassidy Paige

    Madison Claire Rose

    Ashlyn Nicole

    Emma Lily

    Amy Elise

    Caleb Bailey

    Austin James

    Dylan Connor

    Andrew Scott

  • Paula
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    The girl names were tough. Most of them were what I consider to be trashy. The boy names I were all cute and totally usable imo :)

    Madison Lily Rose

    Abigail Elisabeth Marie

    Emma Caroline Elise

    Steven Frederick

    Evan Henry

    Michael Scott

    Dylan Beckett

    Caleb George

    Robert Connor

  • ?
    Lv 5
    7 years ago

    Alina Claire

    Sarah Elisabeth

    Robert Joseph

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Sara Olivia Adair

    and Caleb Scott sound nice!

  • 7 years ago

    Sara Elisabeth, Jessica Ann, Madilyn Rose for the girls

  • 7 years ago

    Andrew Thomas

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