Could Donald Sterling be in the early stages of dementia? Or he's having a problem with his prescription drugs?

Or perhaps he was (is) an alcoholic and his brain never recovered? It really seems like the girlfriend set him up. He seems s bit out of it.


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The problem is though, that Anderson Cooper didn't set him up, and Sterling turned his own 'apology' into more racism, and bigotry.

He's probably getting so old that he's losing his faculties, and with him alienating his direct family(because his family seems done with him too) there's noone to tell him, to stop it, and go away.

So here goes, Donald, STOP.... and just go away.


No more than other conservatives.


He had every right to speak his mind. Everyone is racist


Wealthy old crotchety men want to speak their mind. Nobody likes it nut waddyagonnago, huh?

Take away the mikes and let him grumble to himself.


So being white,against black racism,is a mental illness now ?
Not even original,but expected.