New "advanced" Clash of Clans Clan, help?

I'm starting a new clan with a 1400 trophy requirement. Basically I'm trying to start a semi-serious clan to be a GOOD clan wars clan( the loot is just so good!) And wondered if anyone had any tips to recruit players or manage a clan. We are called "kick @$$" exactly like that and our flag is the red and blue flag that is the very first clan flag on the list. I provided that in case you need to check us out to give advice! Also- my in game name is M-Tron if u r having trouble finding us due to duplicate clans




Don't trust all of these brothers !! al these hacks that you are seeing here are just fakes ! I've tried many of them and after using them,nothing happened ! I've spent alot of time to find a working hack for clash of clans,after more researches and money spent,a friend of mine recommended me the single one that worked and is that one from,it gaved me alot of free stuff,like unlimited gems,unlimited elixirs,coin and more!

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