Instead of making Criminal Excuses, why don't Weak, Wannabe-Christians USE Porn Addiction as their Battlefield to DEFEAT Satan?

Don Juan Matus said: "A Warrior proceeds strategically."

"Warriors take strategic inventories; they list everything they do. Then they decide which of these things can be changed in order to allow themselves a respite, in terms of saving energy."


L. Ron Hubbard said that a Game must be defined, in order to Play it with a view to Self-Determinedly Lose, Prolong, or Win it, as one chooses. (FUNDAMENTALS OF THOUGHT).

Therefore, if a Christian has a Problem with, to wit, Pornography, or anything else, they should sit themselves down, as Jesus COMMANDED, and take stock of how many Soldiers the Other Guy has got, and how many THEY'VE got.

It is almost amusing to see some empty-head proclaiming, "The Trinity of The Godhead, The Mother-of-God, Gabriel, Michael, and ALL of The Angels of God, and ALL of The Saints in Heaven are ON MY SIDE, AND MINE TO CALL UPON!"

While they live in abject Poverty, Intellectual Deficiency, Poor Health, and Addicted to Alcohol, Tobacco, & Firearms- an average citizen in The Land-of-The Homeland-Secure.

Jesus WARNED against an over-inflated view of oneself!

The average Christian thinks themselves far better than those who commit and view Adulterous Pornographic Acts- and in so doing, make themselves just as Evil, if not worse.

Those in the Pornography Industry Professionally, or as Amateurs are Victims-of-Satan, who fell into THIS particular DEATHTRAP.

Make no mistake:


No matter how big the smile on a pornstar's face, THEY ARE VICTIMS OF THE DEVIL, and are being USED as Hell-Bait- which they would NEVER consent to, if they could SEE what was happening to THEM, and to the people ASSOCIATED with them.

Therefore, a person who is a Christian should recognize that they are in the same position as the Pharisee and Levite that saw the guy the Good Samaritan helped- HITHERTO, THEY CROSSED OVER THE OTHER SIDE OF THE STREET!

All you can do is DISSOCIATE yourself?


You read the Autobiographies of Prostitutes, like Betty Winton and Xaviera Hollander, and some compellingly boast of Politicians, Judges, Police, and even Clergymen as their clients!

Therefore, it makes sense that none of these people in general, nor Christian Clergymen of Churches you go to, are ever going to solve Media Prostitution.

If any of them HAD, they would have passed the Solution along, and everyone of their Sociietal Niche would have gotten it.

But to focus on Christianity-


Remember what Revelation says, about "Coming Out of Babylon- repaying Her double?"

. REVELATION 18:4-6.

There would be a number of ways you can do that.

In this case, what comes to mind, is that the Pornstars and the Production crew make sure you.... (How you Say?) FEEL them?

Well, how about erstwhile Christian Victims of Pornography make THEM feel YOU???

Write them LETTERS- not just Hypocritical Preaching "You know you should get Saved...!" rhetoric!

Tell the EXACT Truth!


"I am a Christian, and should not be watching your show for my personal entertainment at your own expense, so I am probably going to end up in Hell, anyway- but that shouldn't mean that YOU can't save YOURSELF, anyway...!"

WHY do Pornstars (and their crews- DO NOT FORGET their production and distribution crews) just go down into Hell like that? How can they be so brazenly uncaring?

Why not, when NOBODY CARES about THEM???


Favorite Answer

I am a Christian and I do not think I am better than anyone else bound by sin, and pornography is a demonic addiction that is caused by that sin.

In fact, I am a wretch saved by grace, and no better than any porn addict.

But I have this: The blood of Jesus has set me free, and that process was the most incredible process ever. It is like angels break down dark invisible chains that bind you and control your life. Yes, thanks to Jesus Christ I am truly free of that. He is the best thing that has ever happened to me.

regarding the other sinners including those who are bound by porn, I desire nothing more, that they will turn to Jesus Christ and experience that remarkable deliverance that can only come from the Lamb of God.

This video shows two other wretched sinners, who were hopeless, but who experienced the same I did. it amazes me how there are millions of people who experienced the same thing:




As one Christian said, humility comes by being...humiliated,
yet still... no guarantee, is it.

Grace! I can ask!
So to say...we are more! Than victorious with zero

Sometimes we are called to destroy the works of the devil.
I prefer/love to build/uplift...but Ron was brilliant in his way.