My boyfriend just walked in on me :(?

Okay so a lots been goin on and me and my bf r temporarily stayin w his dad out in the country in this small little trailer. I sleep in the living room and he sleeps in his old bed. We have sneakily had sex a couple times and he came all of those like..3 times. I didnt. And I really needed a release bc of all the stress goin on. So I decided to..please myself in the bathroom (locked door of course) and he actually walked in (thinkin I was usin the restroom) apparently the lock doesn't work. I am so embarassed. He joked abt it with me before he walked out, but I was sittin there on the floor exposed and embarrassed. After he left I started to cry. I didnt wana face him after that, but now we are sittin in the living room w his lil bro and I still feel so embarrassed :( he said he doesn't care...but I'm overwhelmingly embarrassed still. :(

Just A Girl2014-05-22T13:37:36Z

Favorite Answer

the other people answering this are being rude im sorry :( I can tell this is a big deal for you. So listen, honestly if your bf said he doesnt care, then hes prob telling the truth. Dont worry about it hun! Masturbation is totally normal so dont feel ashamed or weird about it. Plus, you guys have already had sex multiple times so I think him seeing you honestly wasnt that big of a deal. But if it really is bothering you a lot then i think you should just not talk about it and dont even bring it up at all. Talk about everything other than that. pretty soon you guys both wont even think about it. hope this helped :) xoxo

Jay R2014-05-22T20:31:56Z

Apparently, you are ashamed of your sexuality. I don't know who gave you this attitude, but i suggest you give it back. Immediately. If you're old enough to have a sexual relationship with a guy, you're old enough to know that masturbation is no big deal. I'm with your bf; nobody cares.

Blue Sky2014-05-22T20:30:32Z

Take it easy on yourself, your reacting like his brother or father walked in on you, lol. Its really no big deal and everyone needs to masturbate, just be more careful from now on.

Suzy Suzee Sue2014-05-22T20:33:01Z

What the heck? Something tells me you're a minor and still young. You had SEX with this guy. You HAD SEX! Why are you embarrased about him seeing you pleasuring yourself?! You do NOT make sense at all. He's practically seen your pussy/ vagina many times or at least those three times that you f cked him. Why are you embarrased?! Like that's weird. He's seen your punanny, your naked body already... unless you guys did it with clothes on. Get real

Jorge S2014-05-22T20:43:59Z

So? you was masturbating, so what? Guys do too. don't worry, is not like he went off on you over it.

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