Hillary Clinton said in interview they were broke and life was difficult when they left white house, why she?

not criticized like Anne Romney was? Clinton was corrected by interviewer and so she added some words to help herself. Anne Romney was young living in basement of apt. without money from any parents. If Cllnton's were broke at their age what does this say about managing money. I heard on news they had 30 million when left white house.


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I don't think the Clinton's were broke when they left the White House.. Anne Romney said that as a young couple they lived in a small apartement and somethimes money got so tight that they had to sell some stock, or dip into Mitt's trust fund.. Poor young couples don't have stocks or trust funds..


You didn't expect her to tell the truth, did you?


Her an bill want a new EBT card.




I'm guessing you were not an English major, right?

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