has anyone's sibling ever touched them sexually at a young age?

Has anyone sibling ever touched them sexually at a young age but never just once but never did it again. I know for a fact my big brother did something sexual to my little brother when we were like elementary school age.he didn't force him just bribed him with candy.I think we were so young they don't even remember.or at least one of them doesn't remember.my older brother also touched me a way I felt iffy about but it never happened again.I'm not sure if he remembers I would hate to bring something like that up if he doesn't even remember


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No I've never had that problem, then again I mean I'm the oldest. That seems like a problem and maybe you should talk about it with a parent and stuff.


Ya, I was 3 and my cousin 5. he lifted my dress and looked at my undies. IDC now, I just tease him about it now