Favorite Answer
Quite possibly, yes.
Hope that helps!
The "in the year of our Lord" dating system wasn't created until 525 AD. The guy who created the AD numbering system tried to calculate when Jesus was born, based on the historical record, and he wanted to make 1 AD the year of Jesus's birth. But most people think he actually miscalculated by a few years, and Jesus was born shortly before 1 AD.
The guy thought Jesus was born in 1 AD, but not necessarily in January. So why is January 1st the first day of the year? One theory is that it goes back to a decision in 153 BC to have the new leaders start their terms in on January 1st.
No, numbers assigned to days are convention. Math errors when discovered are corrected only when the become onerously inconvenient.
The Gregorian calendar was introduced to correct coordination of the solar year with the lunar year and to set Easter to a more sensible date.
A later discovered error and improved scholarly investigation puts the year of the birth of Jesus between 6 and 4 BCE, before the year 1, the target year of the math.
The date of the birth is unknown. There is speculation, but not wide agreement. The choice of Christmas Day as a day of celebration has a number of possible reasons, none of them that it was the remembered actual day.
Anne Arkey
Generally one's fifth-grade history class explains how the calendar and dates came to be. I guess you were sick that day.
Frank Barnwell
( 0705/2014