Is this the way morning starts?

Roosters bustin loose,
East belling green clouds...
a red one off to the North.
One house light star-bursting
shaded radiance...
someone's wakin up,
coffee's on,
cat's scrounging...

I am alive.


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That had a unique flavor that I had not tasted in a while. Good to have breakfast served like this, even if it is late afternoon...

Experto Credo2014-07-05T03:44:14Z

Well, that is one way a morning starts. That's a nice, positive poem

Coop 3662014-07-05T08:25:46Z

Sounds like my place except for the roosters, mine is young bulls. Coffee is perking, smell drifting on the cool moist breeze.


That's a nice, positive poem......


My morning starts on its own until i'm ready to GREET IT on my own terms. You's sounds way to complicated for me friend.

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