Since YAHOO SUCKS so bad now,what is a better homepage?

YAHOO has screwed with the News Homepage so much that I can't stand it anymore: it is freaking useless for real news,can't be personalized and has become a major frustration to even use.
Not real impressed with Google or MSN as Home Pages for new either so I'm just wondering if there is a good choice for relevant
news that a person can personalize and filter so I never have to deal with a Kardashian or Bieber AGAIN !!!!!
They had "NEWS" from MAY in the freaking headlines again;this is just PATHETIC.




Depends on what you like. If you like the yahoo site where you can see news they try any web site like that. below is a like to the top news sites on the net. each news site has a link. you like computers and gadgets try you like games and movies try do some searching on the net for sites on topics you like and you will find one eventually.


Boo hoo you stupid prick. Quit ranting go f*ck yourself. Bitching and crying won't get you anywhere so you might as well just kill yourself assh*le!