Do food company executives care about the long-term health consequences of their products?

Unless food products cause an immediate and clear health issue, I believe health food company executives choose to ignore the documented long-term health consequences.

Many nutritional researchers have criticized the Standard American Diet (SAD) as being too high in salt, sugar, fat, flavor enhancers, meat, dairy, and other food additives. (See Dean Ornish, Neal Barnard, Joel Fuhrman, John McDougall, Caldwell Esselstyn, Jr., and T. Colin Campbell)

The consequences of eating convenience foods (junk food, restaurant foods, prepared meals) are generally neglected in the short-term. It can take years for the consequences to affect the vascular system. TA steady diet of these foods can have devastating health consequences.

Are food company executives choosing to ignore the long-term consequences of their unhealthy food products?

Simpson G.2014-07-27T09:13:24Z

Favorite Answer

You can't pigeonhole all "food company executives". There are those who do provide products that they think can help the public, but of course, the bonus is that they make money.

In our country, it's not a "food company executive's" job to consider public health. Americans are still responsible for themselves - this is why cigarettes are legal. When pressed, companies that make and sell unhealthy products make it pretty clear that their foods are to be eaten as treats, not as the sole source of nutrition.

The consequences of eating convenience foods are generally ignored (neglected is the wrong word) long-term also. Even after needing toes cut off, a kidney/liver transplant, or angioplasty, it's amazing how few people make major lifestyle changes. Bill Clinton is the exception, not the norm. Reports are that James Gandolfini knew he had heart and cholesterol problems, but he kept on his same basic path.

Most Americans understand that poor eating = poor health; we just choose to live in the right now rather than the tomorrow.


Obvious. They don't give a crap about you.
Profits is the bottom line.

Worst is fast food and restaurants.
The more FAT they use in foods, the better it takes, and people keep coming back.
You are not the same as the general population out there.


no they dont care because money is involve but thats why i take care of my liver with milk thistle and dandelion when i eat out. i get mines here
you'll be healthy to do the same clense your body now.
im just sayin