I want a relationship with my big sister but don't now where to start?

I love my sister from a distance..Me and my big sister has always had a bit of a rocky relationship but that's because she has "anger issues" that she release only on people who are closest to her and never takes responsibility for her actions. After the last fall out we had when she was clearly wrong she stopped talking to me!! And now it has an effect on me and my nieces and nephews as much as I try not to let it truth is it has. It's been 5 months since we talked and she literally lives down the street from me. I miss her but I don't want to be disrespected by her


You might get better responses in the "Family & Relationships" section. But at any rate, just try talking to her. If she gets disrespectful, walk away and give her more space. You've done all you can do at that point. Then, it'll be up to her to fix it.