why do doctors always come off as rude?

I took my daughter to the doctor.she just turned three last week.the doctor is like oh she needs to be in school. And im just like she can't go.where I live public school starts at 4 anything else before that you have to pay for.so this doctor has an attitude talking about I just don't want her to go to school blah blah blah.she didn't even ask me what I thought.I told her "I don't have money to pay for that it's not free" but in my head I was thinking" b*tch are you gonna pay for it?no ok stfu then"

MOTIONLESS IN WHITE :D2014-08-08T12:01:37Z

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every one is now a days


They don't 'always' come off as rude. Doctors are human like everyone else. And they are very busy, and may be come across as 'blunt'.

More to the point, why does the doctor think your 3 year old needs to be in school? Are you not able to provide the educational enrichment that she needs? (Do you read to her? Take her places? Play games that provide basic preschool-level academics? Does she go to a daycare where there the kids sit in front of the tv all day?) Or is she gifted and would benefit from even more enrichment?


They do not always come off as rude. My family doctor, my children's pediatricians and my OB/GYN are great doctors. There are some partners those doctors have had that I have had issue with. I either firmly stand up for myself/my child or change the subject, whichever is most appropriate given the circumstances. You should have simply said "Because I believe it is essential for them to spend the early years at home, nurtured by mom" or something followed with "But, we are here because...".

I highly suggest that if you have ongoing issues with the doctor, you find one that you will have a more compatible relationship with. You need to be partners when it comes to your child's medical care.


It's the way people are trained in are society . Think about it...Do you maybe "hate" things you dislike? Do you maybe feel pressured not to conform to the group way of thinking? All this progress in are century, and nothing for the better of the average person. It's sad day, but not for invested interest of billionaires


She was probably wondering why you had a child, if you couldn't afford to educate her *according to her ability*. If your doctor feels that she is ready for school, she probably is. Why should anyone else pay for it? That is your responsibility. I was what was once called a "gifted child" and my single mother had to go through an insane amount of hardship to pay for my elementary school education. You're only being asked to pay for one year, before you put her into a system that is, quite frankly, substandard. It's not the end of the world.

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