What is the possibility of picking an un-biased jury for Darren Wilson/Michael Brown.?


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Zero. You'd have to find people who hadn't heard of the case, which means the most uninformed, isolated people in the country.


The asker is engaging in a spot of wishful thinking. There is no chance at all of this officer of the law being charged with anything,no more chance than you would try every soldier who shoots an enemy.

If they did they would have crowds of 6"4 blacks attacking police cars. But to humour the asker and assume there was a trial then all the whites would aquit him and all the blacks convict. So little chance.

J M2014-08-20T09:51:47Z

Hard to say. With all the media crap, it is pretty obvious that a lot of people have made up their minds.


Pretty tough I would bet. But I don't think it will get that far.


You have to find.