How long can you keep eggs in the fridge before they go bad?

Queen of Sheba2015-04-09T18:01:13Z

Favorite Answer

I raise lots of chickens and get lots and lots of eggs. So many, I have to keep them a long time.
I've found that if I take an egg out of the nest right after it is laid that even in three months, if the fridge is cold but not freezing, the eggs still taste great. I never let them stay raw after than and I boil them if they are older than that, though, just in case.
The secret is to keep them cold. In fact, after 3 months in the right temperature in a fridge I can even put an egg back under a chicken and asfter 21 or so days, it will still hatch! So its fine in every way, even after three months.


Eggs keep for a long time in the fridge. In some european countries they dont even refrigerate their eggs, they keep them in a cupboard and I know they will keep that way for at least a week or 2. As for in the fridge, if you are concerned that your eggs moght not still be good, put them in a pot of water, if they float Throw them out


I've had forgotten eggs dry up in the fridge but I've never had them spoil We don't use many eggs but buy fresh ones periodically so I can have several packs of varying ages. I've used eggs several months old in baking when I had no fresh ones and they did the job as well. It's probably not a good idea though. Must do some research.


They have found Eggs in the puranids that were still OK.

In the Fridge, they should last for several weeks. But that does not mean that they will be GOOD, just not make you sick.

A stale egg is hard to peel when hard boiled, and other things you like eggs for, when eggs are old, you will like less and less.


The quality of the egg deteriorates over time. Grade AA lasts only for about 2 weeks, then it becomes Grade A. Grade A remains Grade A for about a total of one month.
I have had refrigerated eggs last for one month beyond the use by date on the package. They did not spoil, but reduced in quality. The yolk got flatter and the white became more runny. I only used them in cooking, but I wouldn't recommend keeping eggs for so long.

According to the American Egg Board, properly stored eggs rarely spoil - they just dry up.

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